Thursday, 30 November 2023

White Knight or the unwanted help


 The actions of the white knight can have profound consequences for the damsel irrespective of whether she is in distress or otherwise. It is obvious how his actions are futile, superfluous and frivolous when she isn't under any duress. Even if she is in distress, his help maybe unwarranted , unwelcomed and unwanted . In such cases, his help is more of an additional burden and unintended stress on an already precarious plight. The white knight by nature, assumes the saviour role pushing the damsel into the role of helpless when she may see the perils as just another obstacle she needs to overcome in order to sharpen her edge. In his delusional mind, the knight may inflate his role as pivotal to her survivial and subsequent splendor but her reality may disagree. Not all woes are happenstance and in many cases intentional. The Damsel's plan may very well be to dive of the cliff , tumble, bump and bruise, even mortality may be acceptable as long as it is on her terms. It is not the white knight's prerogative to make a call on what level of risk and reward is acceptable or unacceptable to the damsel. To the damsel, he is just being self-righteous by trying to force his help onto her. When not asked for, help is not an answer to a plea but triggers an involuntary flee. To the damsel, the act of going through the ordeal, irrespective of its utility and successful pass through, may in itself carry immeasurable value. The white knight is plainly unwelcome in most cases and an uninvolved audience in the best of cases. This realization may be the first of many steps where the white knight transcends truly from his self obsorbed way to a more virtuous path.