If your faith is too fragile and your God too egotistical to hear any criticism then don't proceed further. Don't get me wrong i am not against your notion of higher power that may or may not govern the world. I am in its truest sense all for that greater power but i also detest what we humans have managed to do with the idea. I am not an atheist, i am closer to being agnostic and i am anti-religion. [In sight of full disclosure - More so some than others]
Eggs or Chicken what came first is an age old conundrum. The answer may indeed be more profound as it unlocks the association of religion with God. Now that the simile is out there let us all agree that eggs came first because they did. This may be a tangent but this will loop around to my original topic so bare with me. I will attempt to make the process as granular as possible to minimize people's attempt to put words in my mouth.
Assumptions i will build my case on:
- God does exist. [I am open to the idea that he may not exist, i am cool either way]
Also Animals came first. Evolution happened and is happening. This is not in the assumptions because this is a fact and if you can't deal with it then you can shove your Creationism up and down your holes.
Even though God exists and has existed since the dawn of time billions of years ago we[Humans] have known him only since religion took shape just a few thousand years ago. And God is God only if he follows the definitions as set by The Preachers, Fathers, Gurus, Pundits, Holy-men, Saints, Clergymen, Fakirs, Prophets or whatever they are called in that particular religion. They would argue otherwise/stone you in most instances when you disagree but Let me explain my reasoning.
[If logic is not your cup of tea then please consider yourself most welcome to rant otherwise at me in the comments section]
Religion is the practices, literature, rituals, dos and don't that are followed today and enforced or propagated by various groups, institutes, people etc., who claim themselves to be the custodians of that particular religion. God is the Chicken and Religion is the Egg. The chicken was always there , the egg is only the starting line where you come to associate it with end product something called a chicken. If you do track the story of evolution, the egg did come first but the eggs didn't just produce a chicken, they produced other things, reptiles, amphibians, other birds and even some mammals. But for us eggs can only be associated with certain things that we know of. Eggs and birds have been over generated force fed into our heads and to form a compulsive association. Religion binds the expansive idea of God which is difficult to comprehend and packages it into this very abstraction.
Take any religion and this analogy will still apply. Your egg of a religion will tell you that the egg will grow into a chicken/duck/crane/swan and only this animal and that is the only true form that an egg can ever take. The egg can and should be incubated only in a particular way for a particular time and only then the product is what they tell you it is. No deviations are tolerated and any mistake is blasphemous, a sin that will condemn you to hell. Well not all eggs are the same and everyone doesn't what to have chicken/duck/crane/swan, some people may want an iguana/echidna/snake/something that doesn't even come out of an egg.
Religion places a shackle on the human spirit and defines what falls within the boundaries of God's approved ways of behavior and unapproved behaviors. Religion forces you to say that life that spawns from an egg no matter what its true nature is always a chicken and that is the only true form. And if you force them to see the reality that what came out was not a chicken then they will ostracize you as a non-believer out to destroy their piety. Blame you for corrupting the proper process to care for the egg and call you a deviate.
However, human propensity for idiocy doesn't end with this shocking revelation. The story of the person who realized that the egg resulted in a duck instead of the usual chicken will go on. He moved on to form a different religion propagated the ideal that his duck was the only truth. The chicken was masquerading as the truth but in reality the duck is the true form of the egg. People who have seen ducks instead of chicken slowly begin to gather as the number swells on this side of the argument, battles to establish unity in view ensue.
This happens over and over again. Each time a new threat to the norm will come, realize the eggs result in something other than what the present religion keeps saying, get punished for challenging the norm, turned into a martyr over time and a new religion is built on this new egg end-product. The truth never was just what one person observed and proclaimed as the only truth. Just because you see it doesn't mean others' experiences are any less true. If your way encroaches and subdues someone else then it is no worship of god. You insult the grandeur and magnanimity of life and its unlimited possibilities by limiting the forms to just a chicken/duck/swan/crane.
As life is not defined and limited by that singular form so is god, not limited by the insane rigid practices and stupid ideas that religions attempt to pawn off on us. Life as godly as it gets and breaking away from the norm is often times a better appreciation of what God stands for.
I possibly made you hungry if you love eggs and are a non vegetarian or may have repulsed you as you are a vegan or a vegetarian but if that is your take away then slap yourself. The post is not about eggs but about God. God is not a book, an idol, a stone, a tree, an animal, a symbol, he is not limited, he is not concrete, he is not narcissistic, worried about every small move that you make and he doesn't care that you love him or you don't. God just is.
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