Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Reinvent, Recycle and Reuse ~ It can be applied to YOU too

There are some jewels that have to be acknowledge however grudgingly. "Ignorance is Bliss" is one such piece. If cycle of life is your cocoon of happiness and to fly is not your dream you may as well close the page and get back to what you were doing. For once the questions begin, no answer other than the one true unique answer will let you be in peace.

Success is not over rated , the way society defines success definitely is. No offense to all the people who have done or are doing or will do their graduation and post graduation in engineering, medicine , management, law and a few other Indian Mindset accepted professions but the Indian Version of what can and cannot be taken up for a career SUCKS !!! 

I hear a lot of opposition to the idea of pursuing any profession which is not main stream, their point of argument is that you won't be able to make a living in that field. Well i ask all you skeptics this ~ How many positions are available for the so called mainstream professions ? how many people are available to fill those positions ? how many of the mainstream discharges are making a living out of what they studied ? Tried and Tested means you just know what the outcome will be , it doesn't imply that the outcome will be something that is universally right. 

The counter argument that the group of rebels have stuffed their heads with , the ideas drawn from movies or some other mambo jumbo the social media has cooked up, that follow you passion and success will be yours is also CRAP ! Just because you sow the seed doesn't guarantee you a GREAT crop for that matter even a bad crop is not guaranteed. Not everyone will be number 1. Well you can't be that dumb not to know that there is only one one. 

You , me , everyone is breed to adhere to a system. System set up on ideas, rules, principles and practices that made sense when they were first coined but have no more relevance in the current day. Especially ones built taking into account a Group and not the individual. Point lost on most is that "Change is the only eternal truth" and even the most well planned systems have to be retired some day. You can wish to reach the stars but when you don't break out of your boxed packaging, placed around you to protect your fresh mint condition, you will stay safe, clean, pristine and in the box all your life.

Fact of the matter is that be it conventional or non conventional, it is not the choice that is under question here but the questions should be Why do you do what you do ? What is success for you ? "Beg but be the best beggar" is just slotting begging into the same philosophy of "the best survive and the rest perish", this is the idea that we should be challenging. We get offended when hard core biologists call us animals but when we can't move on from the laws of the Jungle how are we any better from them. 

Being unique is each and everyone's right and something to cherish. It doesn't guarantee you anything other than giving you a skill set that no one else in the world can have. In a population of over 7 Billion people you still mange to be unique is saying something. If you can't appreciate that about yourself then I DON'T CARE anymore !

~ Boundary is a limit and any limitation is a hindrance to growth

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